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Occlusal & Sports Guards


Occlusal & Sports Guards

At Harrison Implant and Family Dentistry, we understand the importance of protecting your teeth and maintaining optimal oral health. Dr. Jonathan Daniels is dedicated to providing exceptional care to our patients in Harrison, NJ. One of the key services we offer is the provision of occlusal and sports guards. These protective devices play a crucial role in preserving the integrity of your teeth and ensuring your long-term dental health. 

Occlusal Guards in Harrison, NJ

Occlusal guards, also known as night guards or bite splints, are custom-made devices designed to fit over your teeth. They are primarily used to protect against the harmful effects of teeth grinding (bruxism) and clenching, which often occur during sleep. Occlusal guards are typically made from durable materials like acrylic or thermoplastic and are tailored to your unique dental structure to ensure a comfortable fit.

Benefits of Occlusal Guards in Harrison, NJ

  • Prevention of teeth wear and damage: Teeth grinding and clenching can lead to significant wear and tear on your teeth, causing chips, fractures, and enamel erosion. Occlusal guards act as a barrier, absorbing the forces exerted during grinding and preventing damage to your teeth.
  • Reduction of jaw pain and tension: Bruxism often results in jaw pain, headaches, and muscle tension. By providing a cushioning effect, occlusal guards help alleviate these symptoms and promote a more relaxed jaw.
  • Protection of dental restorations: If you have dental restorations such as crowns, bridges, or veneers, an occlusal guard can protect these investments from the damaging effects of grinding and clenching.
  • Improved sleep quality: Bruxism can disrupt your sleep, leading to fatigue and decreased overall well-being. Wearing an occlusal guard can help you achieve a more restful night's sleep.

Types of Occlusal Guards in Harrison, NJ

Soft Occlusal Guards

These guards are made from a flexible, rubber-like material and are suitable for mild to moderate cases of bruxism. They provide a comfortable fit and are easy to adapt to.

Hard Occlusal Guards

Constructed from rigid acrylic, hard occlusal guards are recommended for severe bruxism cases. They offer maximum durability and protection against intense grinding and clenching.

Dual Laminate Occlusal Guards

These guards combine the benefits of both soft and hard materials. They have a soft inner layer for comfort and a hard outer layer for durability, making them suitable for moderate to severe bruxism.

Sports Guards

Sports guards, also known as mouthguards or athletic mouthpieces, are protective devices worn during physical activities to shield your teeth and oral tissues from injury. They are particularly essential for contact sports like football, basketball, hockey, and martial arts. Sports guards are custom made to fit your mouth comfortably and provide optimal protection

Benefits of Sports Guards

  • Prevention of dental injuries: Sports guards act as a cushion, distributing the impact forces from blows to the face and reducing the risk of broken teeth, lip lacerations, and jaw fractures.
  • Protection against concussions: While not a substitute for helmets, sports guards can help absorb some of the shock from impacts, potentially reducing the risk of concussions.
  • Preservation of soft tissue: Sports guards also protect the soft tissues in your mouth, such as your cheeks, lips, and tongue, from cuts and bruises.
  • Improved athletic performance: By wearing a properly fitted sports guard, athletes can focus on their performance without worrying about dental injuries, leading to enhanced confidence and concentration.

Types of Sports Guards

Stock Sports Guards

These are pre-formed, ready-to-wear guards available at sporting goods stores. While they offer some protection, they are not customized to fit your mouth and may be bulky and uncomfortable.

Boil-and-Bite Sports Guards

These guards are made from a thermoplastic material that softens when boiled. You bite into the softened guard to mold it to your teeth. They provide a better fit than stock guards but are still not as precise as custom-made options.

Custom-Made Sports Guards

Created from impressions of your teeth, custom-made sports guards provide the highest level of protection, comfort, and fit. They are designed to accommodate your specific dental structure and provide optimal performance. Contact us to learn more.

The Process of Getting Occlusal & Sports Guards

Initial Consultation

The first step in obtaining an occlusal or sports guard at Harrison Implant and Family Dentistry is to schedule an initial consultation with Dr. Jonathan Daniels. During this appointment, Dr. Daniels will conduct a thorough examination of your oral health, discuss your needs and concerns, and determine the most suitable type of guard for you.

Impressions and Measurements

Once the decision is made to proceed with an occlusal or sports guard, impressions of your teeth will be taken. These impressions are used to create a precise mold of your dental structure. Additionally, measurements of your bite and jaw alignment may be taken to ensure a perfect fit.

Custom Fabrication

The impressions and measurements are sent to a dental laboratory, where skilled technicians will craft your custom occlusal or sports guard. The fabrication process typically takes a few weeks, during which the guard is meticulously crafted to match your unique dental anatomy.

Fitting and Adjustments

When your custom guard is ready, you will return to Harrison Implant and Family Dentistry for a fitting appointment. Our Harrison, NJ, dentist will ensure that the guard fits comfortably and securely. Any necessary adjustments will be made to guarantee optimal protection and comfort.

Care and Maintenance of Occlusal & Sports Guards

Proper care and maintenance of your occlusal and sports guards are essential to ensure their longevity and effectiveness. Here are some guidelines to follow:

  • Regular cleaning: Clean your guard thoroughly after each use. Use a soft toothbrush and nonabrasive toothpaste or a specially formulated guard cleaner to remove debris and bacteria.
  • Storage: Store your guard in a protective case when not in use. Avoid exposing it to extreme temperatures, such as direct sunlight or hot water, as this can cause warping.
  • Avoid chewing: Do not chew on your guard, as this can damage the material and compromise its effectiveness.
  • Regular checkups: Bring your guard to your regular dental checkups with Dr. Daniels. He will inspect it for wear and tear and make any necessary adjustments.
  • Replacement: Depending on the frequency of use and the level of wear, you may need to replace your guard periodically. Dr. Daniels will advise you on when a replacement is necessary.


At Harrison Implant and Family Dentistry, we prioritize your dental health and overall well-being. Occlusal and sports guards are essential tools in protecting your teeth from the detrimental effects of bruxism and sports-related injuries. Under the expert care of Dr. Jonathan Daniels, you can be confident in receiving high-quality, custom-made guards tailored to your specific needs. If you suspect you may need an occlusal or sports guard, or if you have any questions, we invite you to schedule a consultation with us. Your smile deserves the best protection, and we are here to provide it.

Ready to enhance your smile and oral health? Schedule an appointment with Dr. Jonathan Daniels at Harrison Implant and Family Dentistry today! Visit us at 6 Frank E Rodgers Blvd N, Harrison, NJ 07029, or call (973) 484-3443 to book your consultation.

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Harrison, NJ

6 Frank E Rodgers Blvd N, Harrison, NJ 07029


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  • MON - TUE9:00 am - 8:00 pm
  • WED - THU12:00 pm - 8:00 pm
  • FRI10:00 am - 2:00 pm
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(973) 484-3443